Push for PEPY

Well done to everyone who pushed themselves for PEPY over the last fortnight. Here’s a taster of what we’ve been up to….

Latest news from 2nd Class

This week in 2nd Class, we have been learning all about Russia, with lots of fact files and even some Russian baking!  We have also been Pushing Ourselves for PEPY, with all sorts of challenges being undertaken.  And of course, there are a wide range of other creative activities too. Have a look for yourself, … Read more

Push Yourself for PEPY

Every year, DPETNS and the wider Donabate community come together for a very enjoyable and worthwhile fundraising Fun-Run to celebrate our learning partnership with PEPY Empowering Youth in Cambodia. Usually, we are all so excited to welcome our four visitors from Cambodia to join in our celebrations. However, due to the Covid19 pandemic, our friends’ … Read more

2nd Class Friday news

More great work has been done this week from our 2nd Class children – 3D model buildings, great pictures and paintings, some delicious baking and of course really important messages of support to our Front Line Workers.  Take a look for yourself below (but be warned it might make you hungry!)  

Happy Friday everybody

It has been another busy week for our Second Class, who have been experimenting in Science, designing posters in English and creating all sorts of exciting arts, crafts and even some engineering!  Take a look at just some of the work that is being done while we are all learning from home.