Happy Thanksgiving!

  We have been finding lots of reasons to be thankful here in DPETNS this week.    Many classes have explored the celebration of Thanksgiving in History and Learn Together through stories, discussions and lots of wonderful art. Wishing all of our families celebrating today a lovely Thanksgiving!     

Science Week in First Class

First Class have been busy with lots of fun and experiments during Science Week! We have been exploring how to mix paints using primary colours, to create the other colours of the rainbow for Art. We have also been completing lots of STEM Challenges, investigating and constructing bridges, stadiums, houses and vehicles to name a … Read more

Science Week

Last week, we celebrated Science Week all around the school. We worked as scientists to complete STEM challenges and make new discoveries! Check out what some of our classes have been up to.   Fifth Class attended a webinar entitled ‘May The Force Be With You’ presented by scientists from Kerry Science Festival and learnt … Read more

Science Week

This week, Senior Infants were very busy celebrating Science Week. We explored our senses and completed a STEM building challenge. We looked at our 5 senses and went on a Senses Walkabout around the school to find all the things we could see, hear, smell, touch and, for those still finishing their lunches, taste. We … Read more

Starting Senior Infants with a Bang

We have certainly kicked off Senior Infants with a bang here in Room 6. We’ve enjoyed exploring lots of new topics with fun, games and lots of play. Check out some of our Term 1 highlights so far. The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carl Story telling, art and fine-motor activities.   The Gruffalo by Julia … Read more