There are 16 classrooms in D.P.E.T.N.S. There is also 2 ASD classes. There are 9 classrooms upstairs and 9 classrooms downstairs. The upstairs classrooms are for 2nd Class – 6th Class and the downstairs are for Junior Infants – 1st Class.
There are brand new interactive screens at the front of each classroom for the whole class. There is a regular whiteboard beside the interactive whiteboard for learning. Coat hangers are also in the rooms to hold your coats.
There are 2 bathrooms in each classroom. 2 sinks are at the back also for cleaning out paint pallets and other arty things. Plenty of toys are in the cupboard at the side of the room. There is lots of room to spread out and enjoy these modern classrooms! Enjoy!
Sarah Shortall, 6th Class 2018.