World Earth Day 2020
Check out the amazing work from our students in honour of World Earth Day 2020.
Check out the amazing work from our students in honour of World Earth Day 2020.
The DPETNS community have been working egg-xtra hard the past week on our projects! 🍳 Our egg-straordinary students and staff have been busy and letting their imaginations run wild in creating egg-citing projects based on EGGS!! 🍳 Our community is egg-stremely talented and we can’t wait to share our creations with you!! Check out our … Read more
A taste of how our school community celebrated World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd with lots of superheroes flying high! Thank you to everyone who participated. In a world where you can be anything, be kind #WorldAutismDay #AutismAwareness #Autism #AsIAm #flyforautism #LightItUpBlue
This week sees the start of April and on Thursday it is World Autism Awareness Day. We are inviting families in our school community to come together through a shared theme to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day. Our theme is ‘Superheroes’. We are very fortunate to have many friends with autism in our school community so we hope, … Read more
Thursday March 5th 2020 is World Book Day and this year the focus is on sharing stories. Unfortunately reading for pleasure is on the decline. Did you know that : only 29% of children (0-13) read for pleasure daily? : only 56% of 3-4 year olds are read to by their guardians/parents daily or nearly daily? … Read more
The Spring/Summer term of Extra-curricular Activities will be open for enrollment on Wednesday January 15th from 7-9pm in the school. For full details please check out the ECA tab on the school website.
It’s almost that time of year again…. Our annual Winter Fete is just around the corner. Preparations are in full swing and the excitement is building as the amazing donations pour in. Thank you to everyone who has been working behind the scenes to get everything ready for our annual Winter Fete. Parents have put … Read more
In October, 6th Class visited Collins Barracks in Dublin City. The tour began by visiting the Art Exhibition, followed by the War Exhibition and then onto the 1916 Rising Exhibition. They also got to view the Asgard which played a pivotal role in the 1914 Howth gun-running. The day ended with a fun filled visit to … Read more
Our annual red envelope voluntary contribution collection is taking place this week. Envelopes have been sent home with the oldest child in each family. We would like to thank you in advance for your support as we rely heavily on these contributions to fully equip and resource our classrooms.
We celebrated Maths Week with our buddies on Friday! Junior Infants and Sixth Class had a blast exploring the school together and helping each other answer some interesting Maths problems. Working together in groups of four, they identified lots of shapes and colours, counted cars and windows and even did some estimating. Sixth Class were … Read more