World Book Day in 2nd Class

  We had great fun celebrating World Book Day in our class.  We started the day with a Share Your Story circle, when we shared our favourite books with each other.   We looked at the books of Oliver Jeffers in Art, in particular The Incredible Book Eating Boy, and created our own versions of … Read more

World Book Day

  Today Orla’s class came to school looking a little out of character…or should we say a little in role! We celebrated World Book Day dressing up from stories we enjoy and brought our favorite books into school to share.

World Book Day 2020

Thursday March 5th 2020 is World Book Day and this year the focus is on sharing stories. Unfortunately reading for pleasure is on the decline. Did you know that  : only 29% of children (0-13) read for pleasure daily?  : only 56% of 3-4 year olds are read to by their guardians/parents daily or nearly daily? … Read more

Fifth Class visit to St Patrick’s Cathedral

On January 31st both Fifth Classes went into the city centre, as part of the Learn Together curriculum, to learn about St Patrick’s Cathedral. While there we got to look at the Gothic cathedral styles and we were also very impressed with the stain glass windows. Every student had an opportunity to recreate their own stain … Read more

ECA Spring Term

The Spring/Summer term of Extra-curricular Activities will be open for enrollment on Wednesday January 15th from 7-9pm in the school. For full details please check out the ECA tab on the school website.

Lámh in First Class

First Class have been practicing their wonderful Lámh signs throughout the month of December and we are so proud of them! We hope that you enjoy our video and perhaps you too can practice some Lámh signs at home, to celebrate the holidays 🙂 A special thank you to Tríona for teaching us so many lovely Lámh signs, we absolutely loved it and will continue practicing in the New Year.

Happy Holidays everyone and have a lovely Winter Break, from First Class 🙂


Lámh in First Class

Updated: Winter Fete Excitement

It’s almost that time of year again…. Our annual Winter Fete is just around the corner. Preparations are in full swing and the excitement is building as the amazing donations pour in. Thank you to everyone who has been working behind the scenes to get everything ready for our annual Winter Fete.  Parents have put … Read more

A step back in time…

In October, 6th Class visited Collins Barracks in Dublin City. The tour began by visiting the Art Exhibition, followed by the War Exhibition and then onto the 1916 Rising Exhibition. They also got to view the Asgard which played a pivotal role in the 1914 Howth gun-running. The day ended with a fun filled visit to … Read more

Red Envelope Reminder

Our annual red envelope voluntary contribution collection is taking place this week. Envelopes have been sent home with the oldest child in each family. We would like to thank you in advance for your support as we rely heavily on these contributions to fully equip and resource our classrooms.