The Student Council in DPETNS is made up of pupils from 3rd to 6th class. This group of students represents the pupils’ voices and ideas throughout the entire school and brings these ideas to the attention of the Council for consideration. The Student Council in our school decides upon actions and projects to undertake in the school, based on the ideas provided by the students in each class. This year, the children have been busy organising a School Remembrance Day to celebrate the origins of our school. Through this celebration, we hope to bring our school history to life for our current student body. The Council has also planted a new apple tree in the school garden, with the help of Senior Infants and has undertaken surveys in the school to ascertain the views of the pupils in relation to various topics. The Council has also inspired classes throughout the school to actively explore the Changemaker Schools project and has undertaken lessons in classes to inspire pupils regarding this theme. The Student Council promotes active participation within the school and aims to bring about meaningful projects, activities and change, based on the thoughts and ideas of the students in the school.

Our Student Council had a fantastic time visiting Francis St School in February. They spent time touring the school and chatting with their Student Council. They also got to play some football together and do some art and yoga.